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Still No Singer, No practice in ages....damn, were doing good!


Were Back Baby...
After a well deserved break (well, actually I'm not sure about well deserved, we havn't done much) the band is coming back together from the "unofficial" split. We've decided to keep the name of the band as it is, I know, I Know we've bitched about it but to be honest I cant be arsed changing the artwork or name of the site so live with it.
There is only 2 weeks of exams left so during the summer holidays the boys and me will be practicing much more together. Not only have we come back together, but have also started planning out the 2 E.P's we will be performing.
"2!" I hear you say? Fear not, we have not gone mad, we are doing 2 to show 2 different sides of our music. The first E.P titled She's Into Cheese, will be made up of pop punk songs whilst the second E.P titled Tony The Tigers Rehab Journey will show a harder edgier side to our music. Both E.P's will contain 3 original recordings and 1 cover version each. The tracklistings are as follows:

She's Into Cheese:
1.The Girls Confused
2.Elins On A Riot
3.Lunet Totolar
4.Blink-182's - Always

Tony the Tigers Rehab Journey:
2.L.C.F.B (Love Cunt Fuck Boom)
3.Tony The Tigers Rehab Journey
4.The Misfit's - We Are 138

(Note: Both Titles Subject To Change.)

We hope we can bring you happyness through these songs...Ahh fuck it, if you don't like it, then fuck you.

                    Elins on a Riot:
         (2003-2005) (2005-Present day)

Important News...    25/4/05
The time has come again to change the name of the band, Elins on a Riot got stale really quick, we tried to live with it but it has something about it which does not work...Anyway Choices on a new name are:
The Kinetic Effect
Who Shot JFK?

Please reply at (Ryan's new email) and give your response to your favourite name, or even a name of your own.

Thank you.
The Band.

Steve "Quits" The Band...   16/3/05
Steven Evans, our 'to-be' singer has decided not to audition for us as practice arrangements are to awkward for him to participate in. Yet again this leaves Ryan and Jonny to do the work, and this time without a PA system, or indeed ANYTHING to plug our mics into.

A sad day has been put on the band. At approx. 21:53 we lost an important member to the band. The PA machine blew up in Ryan's room and the speekers where blown, leaving it more useless than it originally was. RIP you piece of shit.
On a happier not the last practice was a great success even though we didn't have much time to play.

Welcoming The Singer  24/2/05
After much debate Steven has finally been given the chance to be the singer which the band are very happy about. He will be a great addition to the team already written a song (check out Controlling in discography) Now with Steven on board we can finally start getting better withing ourselfs.

On a sadder note our love and hope goes out to Dimebag Darrell's family and friend's aswell as the family and friend's of the other victims of that now infamous damage plan gig. Rest in peace my hard riffing friend.

The Second Practice  15/2/05
Tomorrow(Wednesday the 16th) is the date set for our next practice session(and about time too) and have decided to concentrate on our own material rather than trying to play covers.
On the everlasting topic of the singer of the band Ryan thinks that a perminant singer(rather than him and Jonny) would allow the band to concentrate more on their guitars/drums and thus allowing a greater quallity of playing. If anyone is interested in the singing job feel free to email us.

The Half Term  28/1/05
With the half term steadily aproaching we are going to be doing a lot more jamming sessions seeing as all English courswork is in by monday, and Ryan & Churchy have been under pressure to complete the pieces of work (whilst Jonny looks on knowing he's done the work. Smug basturd) the half term will be a time of practicing together as we can go up Rhys' whenever we want.

Oh, and on the note of singers, Ryan has his microphone and some very low-tech set up, but it works(check out Pictures to see the monstrosity of a machine).

The Singing Decision. 

Ryan & Jonny have taken up the job of lead singers (ala Tom DeLonge & Mark Hoppus) it's gonna be hard, but we'll manage seeing as nobody is interested in singing for us at the moment. They'd need their own microphone and speakers anyway and none of the tight arsed bastards around by us will have any of that.

The Search Continues.  18/1/05
The hunt for a singer is an ongoing task at the moment as we have had no luck in finding anyone capable of the job. In fact weve had one reply and that is from a Mr Steven Evans, but have not yet decided to include him.

First jamming session a success.  18/1/05
On the second of January 2005 the first jamming session was held, and was a success despite the fact that we where a little scratchy. Seeing as this was Churchy's first time to play his new drum kit we did a couple of songs by other bands including 'Always' by Blink-182 and 'Seven Nation Army' by The White Stripes(both played extremley well by Ryan :) )we were also just jamming coming up with on-the-spot songs that sounded incredible which shows the potential of this band and that we can work together to bring you people lovely music.*sigh*.

A Band Is Formed.  18/1/05
After many a year of waiting(partly due to the fact rhys got drums)it has finally happened, Elins On A Riot have finally formed.
Ryan Lloyd: Guitar, Backing Vocals.
Jonny Evans: Bass, Backing Vocals.
Rhys 'Churchy' Hopkins: Drums and Percusion.

At the moment we have no singer so Ryan/Jonny are doing the job (a poor one at that) but would rather have a full-time singer, so if anyone has any interest and can actualy sing, drop us a line.

Image by: Steven Evans.

...If Suicide Was The Fashion You'de Be Long Gone.
